We Help You Lose Weight, Get Strong, And Feel The Best You've Felt In Decades With A Transformational Combination Of Individualized Workouts, Personalized Health Coaching, Powerful Life-Changing Mindset Strategies, And Good Old-Fashioned Caring. 😃

Justin, Janell, Badger, & Bucky

About The Transformation Life

Our Mission Is To Educate, Motivate, & Inspire You To Become The BEST Version of YOU!
The Transformation LIFE is our overarching brand, which encompasses our training gym, online coaching programs, books, and podcast.

With it, we are teaching people and providing them the tools & resources they need to operate from a beautiful and powerful state of being so that they can enjoy a happy, healthy, and fit life…living as the best version of themselves.

Our primary focus is holistic health and fitness. Secondarily, we help people overcome their insecurities and build their self-confidence so they can show up powerfully in their everyday lives.

What we’ve found is that many people who try to get in better shape (physically, mentally, emotionally), quickly get frustrated with their lack of results and give up, or if they do get into a good routine they don’t know how to adapt when life inevitably happens...

They want to look and feel better, have more energy, and improve their self-confidence, but instead, end up right back where they started…or worse.

The mistake they make is thinking it’s about following a “special” diet or killing themselves in the gym or discovering the “magic bullet” that will change everything when in reality they only need two things…

To develop a new mindset and adopt a few core habits that are the foundation for health, fitness, and wellness.

If you want to look better, have more energy, and enjoy a happy, healthy, and fit life then we can definitely help you!

How Can We Help You Today?

About Justin & Janell Yule

We help people over 40 lose weight, get strong, and feel the best they've felt in decades...
Justin & Janell have over 40 years of combined experience as health and fitness professionals.

They are the co-owners of The Transformation Club, a boutique fitness studio in Chanhassen, MN (with online membership available) that helps people over 40 who’ve struggled with weight loss and fitness most of their lives to create a real transformation that sticks so that they can finally enjoy the health, confidence, and vitality they deserve.

Together, they have authored The Transformation Book, created The Transformation Journal, and are the hosts of The Transformation Show (podcast).

  • Janell holds a bachelor of science degree in health promotion and wellness with a minor in psychology. She is also a certified personal trainer, yoga instructor, functional health practitioner, and certified specialist in hormone and gut health.
  • ​Justin has a bachelor of science degree in physical education with a concentration in adult fitness, is a certified David Bayer Transformational Mindset Facilitator, and holds multiple specialty training certifications in fitness.
Fun Facts:
  • Written well over a million words on transformation
  • ​Coached thousands of clients
  • ​Recorded 250 podcasts
  • ​Janell is one of about 25 people in the world certified in the Gut Thrive in 5 program
  • ​Justin serves fitness professionals worldwide as a business coach and subject matter expert.

How Can We Help You Today?

Transform Your Life

Enjoy the health, confidence, and vitality you deserve!
I went from a size 12 to a size 2 and dropped 35 pounds. My body comp. completely changed!

- Shelly Kasid

I'm not as stressed as I used to be.  I suffered from severe depression and now I'm medication free! 

- Terri Endres

Within the first 6 months, I had lost 55 pounds.  I feel happy in a swimsuit - I never felt that way before.

- Lindsay Belden

I'm down 24 pounds in about 6 months.  I'm stronger, faster, and have better range of motion.

- John Marsden

It's like a family. It's really supportive. I love that camaraderie.

- Terri Rendall

It's made such a difference in how I'm aging and that's exciting!

- Michelle Brick

It's a safe place for me and you feel very connected.

- Jackie Cullen

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You've truly been a gift.

- Jane Soderberg

We're honored and grateful to support you...


P.S. - You CAN Get The Body You Want, Have More Energy, And Feel Totally Confident… Starting RIGHT NOW!

Where Would You Like To Start?

1363A Park Road, Chanhassen, MN 55317 | 952-224-4852