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ONE TIME OFFER (Only $7): Get a digital copy of my book, The Transformation Book. Follow along as we reveal the proven strategies we've used with thousands of clients to help them look, feeel, and perform their best. Divided into 4 parts focused on mindset, nutrition, training, and lifestle, The Transformation Book is your guide to becoming the BEST version of YOU!

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"I lost 12 pounds and feel so much better!  I thought the program was very well put together. Janell was very clear and easy to understand. I enjoyed her daily tips and appreciated her personal response to my questions." 
- Nancie Grabow
" I am super excited. I lost 3 inches off my waist and dropped 2% body fat. I'm super happy and amazed at the results. I have more energy, great skin and more rested sleep - in fact, I need less sleep now it seems. Thank you for this life-changing event." 
- Mandy Renee
"My jeans slip on and off without being unbuttoned! Out of the 6 pairs of jeans I own, only my skinny jeans fit now...all the other ones are too big!!" 
- Holly Byrnes
What an amazing 21 days. Thank you. I feel so empowered now with all that I have learned, especially about myself. I couldn't be more excited and impressed with my success."
- MaryBeth Rainbow Fama
21-Day Detox Challenge | The Transformation Life | All Rights Reserved | 2022